Introduction for the Intelligent

・Introduction for the Intelligent・

The following blog posts are written by 2020future.

2020future has been inspired to start a blog in hopes to connect his over thought views on world problems with possible solutions. He understands this may cause controversy, however the ultimate goal is to bring awareness in world problems and create a society where people of all ages and races are active in the contribution to “make the world a better place”.

・Upcoming Plans・

At the early stages of this blog, the posts will be mostly likely be random unless he is able to create a proper schedule. Please remember that some blog posts will require him to do extensive research and collect his ideas on notes which may take up to one day or two.

He will upload photos on Instagram or tweet (@official2020future) when blogs have been published. Sharing, likes, and comments will be greatly appreciated as well as just reading the blog itself. We hope you enjoy following and being part of our journey to the 2020 future. (Watch out for an exclusive blog post on why this blog is called “2020 Future”).

Please leave any comments such as questions, world problems you’d like 2020future to write about or your instagram or twitter for him to check out! Thank you!

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