Positive Mindset

2016-07-09 19.13.04

Hello! This is 2020future and welcome to the first blog on my views of how important it is to keep a constant, positive mindset.

Having a positive mindset is basically having full consciousness of every thought, action and speech you make (think about this).

On the other hand, most people with negative mindset seem to profusely and immediately assume upon other’s actions or dialogue, negatively (you can see this through reanalyzing or observing certain arguments and conversations).

From my experience, many people who are negative are often stubborn and overly confident during arguments or conversations. Most of the time, they think they are correct and either can’t accept a resolution or pretend to accept, and talk trash behind your back. This is a sign of laziness which is a representation of negative action.

To add on, these people are purposefully lazy and cannot seem to carry out simple tasks for a person who really needs the help. They also can’t go out of the way to do something nice that would make a person’s day.

I predict that these people with a negative mindset are one of the major obstacles in creating a happy, active society.

Perhaps you could relate to some of these traits of a negative mindset? Do not worry, I was one of these negative people before. It honestly does not feel good and soon enough it reflects in the mirror and your social life (personality).

Whether it is stress or how you were brought up, you must always try to think, act and talk positively. Start by forgiving, don’t judge and don’t be lazy.

Thank you so much if you read until the end and I truly hope you understood every word I wrote because I put my heart into this.

If you chose to have a positive mindset, I will happily give you the title as a member of the 2020future society. You need to represent and put your effort into having a constant positive mindset. Afterall, your effort is reflected by those around you.

Please comment anything you’d like, don’t be shy 🙂 Please like so I can see if my effort was worth your time. Lastly, please share this to your family or friends whether you liked it or not. Perhaps others will find some of this contents interesting. Thank you from 2020future.


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